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a graphic novel about hackerspaces

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project:artstyle:moodboards [2018/11/21 09:05]
alxd [Places-specific boards:] add HSBXL
project:artstyle:moodboards [2020/05/01 09:39] (current)
alxd [Places-specific boards:] add hacklab to
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  - [GliderSpace Pinterest](https://​​alxd7156/​glider-ink-moodboard/​) - photos and real Spaces  - [GliderSpace Pinterest](https://​​alxd7156/​glider-ink-moodboard/​) - photos and real Spaces
  - [Comic Book Pinterest](https://​​alxd7156/​glider-ink-comic-inspirations/​) - inspirations in already existing comics  - [Comic Book Pinterest](https://​​alxd7156/​glider-ink-comic-inspirations/​) - inspirations in already existing comics
 +#### Varia
 + - [molestar'​s collection](https://​​gallery/​OdJpi) of hackerspace-like scenes from manga artists
 ### Character-specific boards: ### Character-specific boards:
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  - An unique [Hackerspace 3D Scan](https://​​webgl_player/?​m=9JVcHS4y7aY&​utm_source=4) of **[Sudo Room](https://​​)** and [Counter Culture Labs](http://​​) located in [OmniCommons](https://​​) collective in San Fransico. This is a real building used by real people, with all its beauty and ugliness. Also available on a [wiki](https://​​wiki/​Sudoroom).  - An unique [Hackerspace 3D Scan](https://​​webgl_player/?​m=9JVcHS4y7aY&​utm_source=4) of **[Sudo Room](https://​​)** and [Counter Culture Labs](http://​​) located in [OmniCommons](https://​​) collective in San Fransico. This is a real building used by real people, with all its beauty and ugliness. Also available on a [wiki](https://​​wiki/​Sudoroom).
 +   - A [video tour](https://​​watch?​v=9Zccga90hcY) introducing to OmniCommons.
 - **Noisebridge** on [Matterport](https://​​models/​k85evX2qUCg) with actual photos and modelled in [Unity 3D](https://​​2016/​10/​21/​simbridge/​) - **Noisebridge** on [Matterport](https://​​models/​k85evX2qUCg) with actual photos and modelled in [Unity 3D](https://​​2016/​10/​21/​simbridge/​)
 +- **[Hacklab To](https://​​)** on [Matterport](https://​​show/?​m=eAGKsgaArn2)
 - [3D Berlin Headquater](https://​​3D_Berlin_Headquarter) with several 360 photos: - [3D Berlin Headquater](https://​​3D_Berlin_Headquarter) with several 360 photos:
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 - 3D Gallery of [realraum, Hackerspace in Graz, Austria](https://​​index.php?/​category/​90),​ all licensed CC-BY! - 3D Gallery of [realraum, Hackerspace in Graz, Austria](https://​​index.php?/​category/​90),​ all licensed CC-BY!
-- [HSBXL](https://​​share/​AF1QipPMSdz2bG0_U8Hu7C4iZuxPdHAODcSZfKFlX1LdZbuCfX50rF44qLUF_0n9DXXLFw?​key=c3B2c2hSVTYya2ZKQkJLb1kwVVAyaktoMUtNSnpn) photos back when they were located in a beautiful townhouse in Saint-Josse. [Official Page](https://​​).+- [HSBXL](https://​​share/​AF1QipPMSdz2bG0_U8Hu7C4iZuxPdHAODcSZfKFlX1LdZbuCfX50rF44qLUF_0n9DXXLFw?​key=c3B2c2hSVTYya2ZKQkJLb1kwVVAyaktoMUtNSnpn) photos back when they were located in a beautiful ​several stories high townhouse in Saint-Josse, Brussels, Belgium. [Official Page](https://​​). 
 + - Article about them with lots of photos from [Hackaday](https://​​2013/​10/​23/​hackerspacing-in-europe-hsbxl-in-brussels/​) 
 + - [Hiveminer](https://​​Tags/​brussels%2Chsbxl) photo album
project/artstyle/moodboards.1542791149.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/21 09:05 by alxd