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a graphic novel about hackerspaces

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project:artstyle [2017/01/23 20:30]
alxd [Glider-Specific Needs] add nerdiness, bold, change order
project:artstyle [2017/08/12 20:21] (current)
alxd [References]
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 - [Strong Female Protagonist](http://​​) webcomic used to be my personal benchmark for simplicity and realism. It may have a little too much text - something this comic will have a problem with as well. - [Strong Female Protagonist](http://​​) webcomic used to be my personal benchmark for simplicity and realism. It may have a little too much text - something this comic will have a problem with as well.
 - [Stay Still Stay Silent](http://​​) has a beautiful, varied art style, it's own style for speech bubbles. Some characters are realistically plump, which is quite seldom in comics. - [Stay Still Stay Silent](http://​​) has a beautiful, varied art style, it's own style for speech bubbles. Some characters are realistically plump, which is quite seldom in comics.
 +- [The Sound of The World By Heart](http://​​the-sound-of-the-world-by-heart/​) performs magic with the golden rays of light in most of the scenes, making the city look optimistic and beautiful.
project/artstyle.1485203434.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/01/23 20:30 by alxd