Glider Ink Wiki

a graphic novel about hackerspaces

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resources [2020/08/03 10:10]
alxd [Movies]
resources [2020/08/03 10:11] (current)
alxd [Movies]
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 - **Citizenfour** [IMDb](http://​​title/​tt4044364/​) [YouTube](https://​​watch?​v=00cbM9m5ruI) - a document on the uncanny adventures of Edward Snowden [Wikipedia](https://​​wiki/​Edward_Snowden),​ a famed anime message board admin [Reuters](http://​​article/​us-usa-security-snowden-anime-idUSBRE95B14B20130612) - **Citizenfour** [IMDb](http://​​title/​tt4044364/​) [YouTube](https://​​watch?​v=00cbM9m5ruI) - a document on the uncanny adventures of Edward Snowden [Wikipedia](https://​​wiki/​Edward_Snowden),​ a famed anime message board admin [Reuters](http://​​article/​us-usa-security-snowden-anime-idUSBRE95B14B20130612)
 - **Hackitat** [YouTube](https://​​about-the-film/​) - **Hackitat** [YouTube](https://​​about-the-film/​)
-- **Welcome to OmniCommons** [YouTube](https://​​watch?​v=9Zccga90hcY) ​ 
 ### Short movies / Reports ### Short movies / Reports
 - **Meet the new headquarters of LABxS (Lab Santista)** [YouTube](https://​​watch?​v=a6StowipH1g) ​ - **Meet the new headquarters of LABxS (Lab Santista)** [YouTube](https://​​watch?​v=a6StowipH1g) ​
 +- **Welcome to OmniCommons** [YouTube](https://​​watch?​v=9Zccga90hcY) ​
resources.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/03 10:11 by alxd